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Lock files

Generate lock file

As mentioned, a lock file must be generated in advance:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock

That command looks for deps.edn files in your project and generates a deps-lock.json file in the current directory. Remember to re-run it if you update your dependencies.

By default all dependencies in all deps.edn files are included. It is possible to exclude certain deps.edn files and/or aliases. To see the full list of options of deps-lock run:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock -- --help

It is possible to add the dependencies to the nix store during the lock file generation. Internally we are invoking the nix store add-path command. By default, it's disabled because that command is relatively slow. To add the dependencies to the nix store, set the environment variable CLJNIX_ADD_NIX_STORE to true, e.g.:

CLJNIX_ADD_NIX_STORE=true nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock

Ignore deps.edn files

Sometimes it could be useful to ignore some deps.edn files, to do that, just pass the list of files to ignore the the deps-lock command:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock -- --deps-exclude ignore/deps.edn

There is also a --deps-include option, to include only certain files.

Ignore aliases

To exclude the dependencies defined in some aliases use the --alias-exclude option:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock -- --alias-exclude test

There is also a --alias-include option, to include only certain aliases.

Babashka dependencies

Dependencies on bb.edn files can be added to the deps-lock.json file:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock -- --bb


Leiningen projects are supported. Use the --lein option to add the project.clj dependencies to the lock file. This option can be combined with ignored files:

nix run github:jlesquembre/clj-nix#deps-lock -- --lein

Keep in mind that deps-lock command is not optimized for Leiningen projects, it will download all the maven dependencies every time we generate the lock file. For that reason, it is recommended to add a deps.edn file with the same dependencies to Leiningen projects. That way, we reduce the number of network requests when the deps-lock command is invoked.

There are projects to automatically generate a deps.edn file from a Leiningen project (e.g.: depify)


Leiningen projects must define a buildCommand in the mkCljBin function. The default build command assumes a deps.edn project.