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  • mkCljBin: Creates a clojure application
  • customJdk: Creates a custom JDK with jlink. Optionally takes a derivation created with mkCljBin. The intended use case is to create a minimal JDK you can deploy in a container (e.g: a Docker image)
  • mkGraalBin: Creates a binary with GraalVM from a derivation created with mkCljBin
  • mkCljLib: Creates a clojure library jar
  • mkBabashka: Builds custom babashka


Extra unknown attributes are passed to the mkDerivation function, see mkCljBin section for an example about how to add a custom check phase.


Creates a Clojure application. Takes the following attributes (those without a default are mandatory, extra attributes are passed to mkDerivation):

  • jdkRunner: JDK used at runtime by the application. (Default: jdk)

  • projectSrc: Project source code.

  • name: Derivation and clojure project name. It's recommended to use a namespaced name. If not, a namespace is added automatically. E.g. foo will be transformed to foo/foo

  • version: Derivation and clojure project version. (Default: DEV)

  • main-ns: Main clojure namespace. A -main function is expected here. main-ns file must include the :gen-class directive, e.g.: (ns foo (:gen-class)). That's required to generate a valid uberjar, clj-nix does a check for it.

  • buildCommand: Command to build the jar application. If not provided, a default builder is used: build.clj. If you provide your own build command, you can define the path to the final uberjar with the jarPath environment variable (e.g.: export jarPath=$BUILD_DIR/my_uber.jar). If jarPath is undefined, clj-nix will try to find a jar file in a directory called target.

  • lockfile: The lock file. (Default: ${projectSrc}/deps-lock.json)

  • java-opts: List of Java options to include the application wrapper, e.g.: [ "-Djava.awt.headless=true" ]. (Default: [ ])

  • compileCljOpts: Override options passed to compile-clj. (Default: null)

  • javacOpts: Options passed to javac. Needed if the projects contains java source files. Only 2 options are supoorted: src-dirs and javac-opts. (Default: null)

  • enableLeiningen: Makes Leiningen accessible at build time (Default: false)

  • builder-extra-inputs: Extra inputs to the default builder (Default: [ ])

  • builder-java-opts List of Java options to include in default builder command (Default: [ ])

  • builder-preBuild Pre build commands for the default builder (Default: "")

  • builder-postBuild Post build commands for the default builder (Default: "")


mkCljBin {
  jdkRunner = pkgs.jdk17_headless;
  projectSrc = ./.;
  name = "me.lafuente/clj-tuto";
  version = "1.0";
  main-ns = "demo.core";

  buildCommand = "clj -T:build uber";

  # mkDerivation attributes
  doCheck = true;
  checkPhase = "clj -M:test";


  • out: The application binary
  • lib: The application jar


Creates a custom JDK runtime. Takes the following attributes (those without a default are mandatory):

  • jdkBase: JDK used to build the custom JDK with jlink. (Default: nixpkgs.jdk17_headless)

  • cljDrv: Derivation generated with mkCljBin.

  • name: Derivation name. (Default:

  • version: Derivation version. (Default: cljDrv.version)

  • java-opts: List of Java options to include the application wrapper, e.g.: [ "-Djava.awt.headless=true" ]. (Default: [ ])

  • jdkModules: Option passed to jlink --add-modules. If null, jeps will be used to analyze the cljDrv and pick the necessary modules automatically. (Default: null)

  • extraJdkModules: Extra JDK modules appended to jdkModules. (Default: [ ])

  • locales: Option passed to jlink --include-locales. (Default: null)


customJdk {
  jdkBase = pkgs.jdk17_headless;
  name = "myApp";
  version = "1.0.0";
  cljDrv = myCljBinDerivation;
  locales = "en,es";


  • out: The application binary, using the custom JDK
  • jdk: The custom JDK


Generates a binary with GraalVM from an application created with mkCljBin. Takes the following attributes (those without a default are mandatory):

  • cljDrv: Derivation generated with mkCljBin.

  • graalvm: GraalVM used at build time. (Default: nixpkgs.graalvm-ce)

  • name: Derivation name. (Default:

  • version: Derivation version. (Default: cljDrv.version)

  • Options passed to nixpkgs buildGraalvmNativeImage: nativeBuildInputs, nativeImageBuildArgs, extraNativeImageBuildArgs, graalvmXmx, meta. Empty options are ignored.


mkGraalBin {
  cljDrv = myCljBinDerivation;


Creates a jar file for a Clojure library. Takes the following attributes (those without a default are mandatory, extra attributes are passed to mkDerivation):

  • projectSrc: Project source code.

  • name: Derivation and clojure library name. It's recommended to use a namespaced name. If not, a namespace is added automatically. E.g. foo will be transformed to foo/foo

  • version: Derivation and clojure project version. (Default: DEV)

  • buildCommand: Command to build the jar application. If not provided, a default builder is used: jar fn in build.clj. If you provide your own build command, clj-nix expects that a jar will be generated in a directory called target


mkCljLib {
  projectSrc = ./.;
  name = "me.lafuente/my-lib";
  buildCommand = "clj -T:build jar";


Builds Babashka with the specified features. See babashka feature flags for the full list. Notice that the feature names in the Nix wrapper are case insensitive and we can omit the BABASHKA_FEATURE_ prefix.

Takes the following attributes:

  • withFeatures: List of extra Babashka features. (Default: [])

  • bbLean: Disable default Babashka features. (Default: false)

  • graalvm: GraalVM used at build time. (Default: nixpkgs.graalvm-ce)

  • wrap: Create a wrapper with rlwrap (Default: true)


mkBabashka {
  withFeatures = [ "jdbc" "sqlite" ];


  • mkCljCli: Takes a derivation created with customJdk and returns a valid command to launch the application, as a string. Useful when creating a container.
  • bbTasksFromFile: Helper to wrap all the clojure functions in a file as bash scripts. Useful to create a nix develpment shell with devshell
  • mk-deps-cache: Creates a Clojure deps cache (maven cache + gitlibs cache). Used by mkCljBin and mkCljLib. You can use this function to to have access to the cache in a nix derivation.


Returns a string with the command to launch an application created with customJdk. Takes the following attributes (those without a default are mandatory):

jdkDrv: Derivation generated with customJdk

java-opts: Extra arguments for the Java command (Default: [])

extra-args: Extra arguments for the Clojure application (Default: "")


mkCljCli {
  jdkDrv = self.packages."${system}".jdk-tuto;
  java-opts = [ "" ];
  extra-args = [ "--foo bar" ];


Reads a Clojure file, for each function generates a devshell command. Takes a path (to a Clojure file) or the following attributes:

file: Path to the Clojure file

bb: Babashka derivation (Default: nixpkgs.babashka)


devShells.default =
  pkgs.devshell.mkShell {
    commands = pkgs.bbTasksFromFile ./tasks.clj;
    # or
    commands = pkgs.bbTasksFromFile {
      file = ./tasks.clj;
      bb = pkgs.mkBabashka { withFeatures = [ "jdbc" "sqlite" ]; };


Generate maven + gitlib cache from a lock file. This is a lower level helper, usually you want to use mkCljBin or mkCljLib and define a custom build command with the buildCommand argument.

lockfile: deps-lock.json file


mk-deps-cache {
  lockfile = ./deps-lock.json;