2. Commands

Commands define the tasks to be run. An example of a termite.yaml file with 2 commands:

- command:
    name: hello
        - shell:
            command: echo "Hello world!!"

- command:
    name: bye
        - shell:
            command: echo "Goodbye!!"

Pass the name of the command to termite as its first argument. If you don’t specify any command name in the command line, Termite runs the first command found. In this example, running in the command line:

termite hello

has the same effect as run just


2.1. Global tasks

It is possible create a task globally and use it in several commands, an example:

- shell: &some_id
    command: echo "Hello world!!"

- command:
    name: hello
        - shell: *some_id

- command:
    name: bye
        - shell: *some_id

        - shell:
            command: echo "Goodbye!!"

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